
La Canada

  • (Video) Summer Solstice Ritual, June 22 – Glendale

    (Video) Summer Solstice Ritual, June 22 – Glendale

    Hello everyone this is Scott and today I’m here to talk about the Summer Solstice, why I call it Litha, and where you can attend our local celebration. The summer […]

  • SUMMER SOLSTICE RITUAL – UU Church of the Verdugo Hills (Registration Required)

    SUMMER SOLSTICE RITUAL – UU Church of the Verdugo Hills (Registration Required)

    Join the Temple of Witchcraft Los Angeles as we open the gates and celebrate Litha, the Summer Solstice. Join us as we cast the circle, and turn the Wheel of the Year, honoring the peak of the light, and the changing of the tides through ritual, magick, and community.

  • Beltane Ritual – Temple of Witchcraft LA!

    Beltane Ritual – Temple of Witchcraft LA!

    Celebrate Beltane with the Temple of Witchcraft Los Angeles. You are invited to join us as we turn the wheel and celebrate Beltane in a community ritual event. We continue to turn the Wheel of the Year, and make magick on for the Beltane Sabbat. This in-person ritual will bring us together in ritual circle,…

  • Ostara! The Spring Equinox Ritual – Los Angels

    Ostara! The Spring Equinox Ritual – Los Angels

    Celebrate Ostara, the Spring Equinox with the Temple of Witchcraft Los Angeles You are invited to join us as we celebrate Ostara in a community ritual event as we turning […]

  • Ostara – Spring Equinox Ritual – Verdugo Hills

    Celebrate Ostara, the Spring Equinox with the Temple of Witchcraft Los Angeles You are invited to join us as we celebrate Ostara in a community ritual event as we turning of the Wheel of the Year, and make magick on the Spring Equinox. This in-person ritual will bring us together with the magick of spring…