
(Video) Summer Solstice Ritual, June 22 – Glendale

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Hello everyone this is Scott and today I’m here to talk about the Summer Solstice, why I call it Litha, and where you can attend our local celebration.

The summer solstice is an astronomically significant event that happens twice a year, once for each hemisphere (Northern and Southern). Here’s the breakdown:

What it is:

  • The summer solstice occurs when the Earth’s tilt is at its maximum towards the sun for a particular hemisphere.
  • In the Northern Hemisphere, it happens around June 20th or 21st, marking the beginning of summer (astronomically) and the day with the longest daylight hours.
  • In the Southern Hemisphere, it falls around December 21st or 22nd, signifying the start of their summer and the shortest day of the year.

Astronomical Significance:

  • It’s a turning point in the yearly cycle, marking the shift towards longer or shorter days depending on the hemisphere.
  • The Earth’s tilt, at roughly 23.5 degrees, causes the sun’s apparent path in the sky to change throughout the year. The summer solstice signifies the peak of this tilt.
  • The term “solstice” comes from Latin words meaning “sun” and “standing still.” This reflects the fact that around the solstice, the sun’s position in the sky changes very little for a few days, making its path seem almost stationary.

So, the summer solstice acts as a celestial signpost, indicating the peak of summer for each hemisphere based on Earth’s tilt and its journey around the sun.

In modern Paganism, the Summer Solstice, also known as Litha or Midsummer, holds great significance in Pagan traditions. Here’s why:

  • Celebration of Abundance: It falls at the peak of summer, a time when nature is flourishing and the harvest is approaching. Pagans celebrate the earth’s bounty and the life-giving power of the sun.
  • Solar Deities: Many Pagan traditions revere sun gods and goddesses. The summer solstice honors these deities and their role in growth and fertility.
  • Balance of Light and Dark: In some traditions, the solstice represents a turning point. As the days start to shorten, it signifies the eventual return of darkness. However, the focus tends to be on the light’s triumph at its peak.
  • Rituals and Festivities: Pagans observe Litha with various rituals and celebrations. Bonfires are a common theme, symbolizing the sun’s power and warding off evil. People might also gather for feasting, dancing, and nature walks to connect with the abundant earth.
  • Magic and Wishes: Some believe the veil between the worlds is thinner during the solstice, making it a potent time for divination and magic rituals. Wishes are often made to harness the amplified energy of the sun.

The specific practices and beliefs vary depending on the Pagan path. However, the summer solstice remains a joyous occasion to celebrate nature’s peak, express gratitude, and connect with the divine through the sun’s power.

We’re having an indoor, Saturday Afternoon ritual at the UU Church of the Verdugo Hills, in Glendale/La Canada, which is about 20 minutes north of Downtown LA, off the 2 and 210 Freeway. Registration is required to attend, and the link is available at: StarAndStoneLLC.com, and more information is available there as well as the TempleOfWitchcraft.org.

Participants will be lead in ritual, and guided through an inner journey, to connect to the time and tides of the season. Ritual attire is encouraged, but not required. Additional details about the ritual are available once you register.

Event Timing: June 22, 2024. 2:30 pm – 5 pm
Event Address:  4451 Dunsmore Ave, Glendale, CA 91214
Ticket: $20

Registration: https://forms.gle/rsGbn13sHCgChRzZ7

We will gather, cast a circle, hold the light, and turn the wheel. I think this particular ritual will be a potent one, in planning now for what we will do, I already feel the power and love in our work.

Join us!

Thank you for Watching.

Scott K Smith

Original Art, “Bull Horned Lord – Litha”
By Scott K Smith,
available on a variety of designs at Redbubble.

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